
Dr Quah Hak Mien lulus dari University of Bristol (Inggris) pada tahun 1997. Ia menjalani sebagian besar pendidikannya di Singapura tetapi mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menimba ilmu di luar negeri di bidang Bedah di Glan Clwyd Hospital, Inggris pada tahun 2002. Ia memperoleh gelar Master of Medicine in Surgery dari National University of Singapore pada tahun 2002. Ia menjadi Fellow di Royal College of Surgeon Edinburgh dan Fellow di Academy of Medicine of Singapore pada tahun 2005. Pada tahun 2006, ia diberi penghargaan SingHedialth HMDP untuk pendidikan lanjutan subspesialisasi Bedah Kolorektum. Ia menerima beasiswa untuk pelatihan di Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center di New York, U.S.A. pada tahun 2006. Ia mendapatkan kesempatan istimewa untuk bekerja dengan Almarhum Dr Douglas Wong, Kepala Colorectal Service, yang berfokus pada pelatihan klinis dan penelitian tentang kanker kolorektum, khususnya bedah preservatif sfinkter untuk kanker rektum dan operasi kanker pelvis kambuhan. Minat klinisnya adalah di bidang pencegahan, diagnosis endoskopi dan pengobatan kanker kolorektum.

Dr Quah adalah mantan Konsultan di Department of Colorectal Surgery, Singapore General Hospital. Selama berada di Singapore General Hospital, ia menjabat sebagai Direktur Singapore Polyposis Registry. Ia juga menjabat sebagai Konsultan Tamu untuk Department of Surgical Oncology, di National Cancer Centre of Singapore. Dia juga menjabat Adjunct Assistant Professor di Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School.

Dr Quah memiliki minat klinis yang sangat kuat dalam bedah kolorektum invasif minimal. Ia ahli bedah kolorektum laparoskopi (lubang kunci) dan bedah kolorektum sayatan tunggal (lubang kunci tunggal). Ia juga salah satu dari beberapa ahli bedah di Singapura yang terakreditasi untuk melakukan bedah kolorektum dengan Bantuan Robot.

Ia juga sangat menaruh minat pada pelatihan dan pendidikan dokter spesialis muda dan mahasiswa kedokteran. Ia mengadakan kursus keahlian laparoskopi dan endoskopi untuk peserta pelatihan ahli bedah dalam dan luar negeri.  Ia memiliki minat tinggi dalam penggunaan mesin simulasi untuk pelatihan keahlian bedah laparoskopi dan endoskopi.

Ia juga telah mengembangkan keahliannya dalam gangguan fungsi usus dan gangguan dasar pelvis, seperti pasien yang menderita konstipasi kronis, sindrom defekasi obstruktif, inkontinensia feses dan prolaps rektum. Bidang lain yang diminatinya adalah penyakit perianal dan hemoroid (ambeien). Ia telah menerbitkan banyak artikel akademis di jurnal profesi dan bab-bab buku lokal dan internasional. Dan ia juga menjadi pengulas di Singapore Medical Journal dan Annals of Surgical Oncology.


  1. Singapore Health Quality Service Award (Silver Award), 2010
  2. Service With A Heart Award, 2010.
  3. HMDP Award 2009: Layanan Gangguan Dasar Pelvis – Prakarsa Organisasi & Layanan Berbasis Cluster.
  4. Service With A Heart Award, 2009.
  5. Singapore General Hospital 10 years Long Service Award, 2008.
  6. HMDP Award 2006: Colorectal Surgical Fellowship di Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, A.S.
  1. Koh S, Low SC, Quah HM, Multidetector computer tomography diagnosis of splenic flexure volvulus: usefulness of multiplanar reformats. Singapore Med J 2013; 54(4): e79-82.
  2. Koh D, Lim JF, Quah HM, Tang CL. Biofeedback is an effective treatment for patients with dyssynergic defaecation. Singapore Med J 2012; 53(6): 381-384.
  3. Tan WS, Quah HM, Eu KW. Combined laparoscopic anterior resection and right hemicolectomy for synchronous colorectal tumours: how to retrieve both specimens at the same time through a transverse incision. Surgeon 2012; 10(2): 120-122.
  4. Ho KS, Quah HM, Lim JF, Tang CL, Eu KW. Endoscopic stenting and elective surgery versus emergency surgery for left-sided malignant colonic obstruction: a prospective randomized trial. Int J Colorectal Dis 2011. (Epub).
  5. Chew MH, Quah HM, Teh KL, Loi TT, Eu KW, Tang CL. Twenty years of familial adenomatosis polyposis syndromes in the Singapore Polyposis Registry: an analysis of outcomes. Singapore Med J 2011; 52(4): 246-251.
  6. Fu WP, Quah HM, Tang CL, Ooi BS, Eu KW. Stapled anastomosis for anterior resection is safe even after previous stapled haemorrhoidectomy – a report of five cases. Int J Colorectal Dis 2010; 25(12): 1503-1506.
  7. Fu WP, Quah HM, Eu KW. Traumatic rectal perforation presenting as necrotizing fasciitis of the lower limb. Singapore Med J 2009; 50(8): e270-273.
  8. Ooi BS, Quah HM, Fu CW, Eu KW. Laparoscopic high anterior resection with natural orifice specimen extraction (NOSE) for early rectal cancer. Tech Coloproctolol 2009; 13(1): 61-64.
  9. Weiser MR, Quah HM, Shia J, Guillem JG, Paty PB, Temple LK, Goodman KA, Minsky BD, Wong WD. Sphincter preservation in low rectal cancer is facilitated by preoperative chemoradiation and intersphincteric dissection. Ann Surg 2009; 249(2): 236-242.
  10. Quah HM, Chou JF, Gonen M, Shia J, Schrag D, Saltz LB, Goodman KA, Minsky BD, Wong WD, Weiser MR. Pathologic stage is most prognostic of disease-free survival in locally advanced rectal cancer patients after preoperative chemoradiation. Cancer 2008; 113(1): 57-64.
  11. Quah HM, Chou JF, Gonen M, Shia J, Schrag D, Landmann RG, Guillem JG, Paty PB, Temple LK, Wong WD, Weiser MR. Identification of high-risk stage II colon cancer patients for adjuvant therapy. Dis Colon Rectum 2008; 51(5): 503-507.
  12. Chew MH, Quah HM, Ooi BS, Lim JF, Ho KS, Tang CL, Eu KW. A prospective study assessing anal plug for containment of faecal soilage and incontinence. Colorectal Dis 2007 2008; 10(7): 677-680.
  13. Quah HM, Joseph R, Schrag D, Shia J, Guillem JG, Paty PB, Temple LK, Wong WD, Weiser MR. Young Age Influences Treatment but not Outcome of Colon Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 2007; 14(10): 2759-2765.
  14. Quah HM, Tang CL, Eu KW, Chan SYE, Samuel M. Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials comparing drainage alone vs. primary sphincter cutting procedures for anorectal abscess-fistulas. Int J Colorectal Dis 2006; 21(6): 602-609.
  15. Goh B, Quah HM, Chow PKH, Tan KY, Tay KH, Eu KW, Ooi LLPJ, Wong WK. Predictive factors of malignancy in adult with intussusception. World J Surg 2006; 30(7): 1300-1304.
  16. Goh B, Chow PKH, Quah HM, Ong HS, Eu KW, Ooi LLPJ, Wong WK. Perforation of the gastrointestinal tract secondary to ingestion of foreign bodies. World J Surg 2006; 30(3): 372-377.
  17. Hadi HIA, Quah HM, Maw A. A missing tongue stud: an unusual appendicular foreign body. Int Surg 2006: 91(2): 87-89.
  18. Quah HM, Ooi BS, Seow-Choen F, Sng KK, Ho KS. Prospective randomized crossover trial comparing fibre with lactulose in the treatment of idiopathic chronic constipation. Tech Coloproctol 2006; 10(2): 111-114.
  19. Quah HM, Samad A, Neathey AJ, Hay DJ, Maw A. Does gum chewing reduce postoperative ileus following open surgery for left-sided colon and rectal cancer? A prospective randomized controlled trial. Colorectal Dis 2006; 8(1): 64-70.
  20. Quah HM, Samad A, Maw A. Ileostomy carcinomas a review: The latent risk after colectomy for ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis. Colorectal Dis 2005; 7(6): 538-544.
  21. Quah HM, Samad AKA, Hay DJ, Maw A. High risk of lower limb neuropraxia and litigations for a better view of the perineum. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2005; 87: 313-314.
  22. Quah HM, Seow-Choen F. Prospective Randomised Trial Comparing Diathermy Excision and Diathermy Coagulation for Symptomatic Prolapsed Haemorrhoids. Dis Colon Rectum 2004; 47(3): 367-370.
  23. Quah HM, Maw A, Young T, Hay DJ. Vacuum-assisted closure in the management of the open abdomen: a report of a case and initial experiences. J Tissue Viability 2004 Apr; 14(2): 59-62.
  24. Quah HM, Hay DJ, Maw A. A modified technique using the Yankauer sucker and argon plasma coagulation for anorectal procedures. Tech Coloproctol 2004; 8(1): 47-48.
  25. Quah HM, Hadi HIA, Hay DJ, Maw A. A Simple Way to Retrieve the Gallbladder in “5-mm” Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2003; 85: 282-3.
  26. Quah HM, Hadi HIA, Hay DJ, Maw A. Residual staples as a possible cause of recurrent rectal bleeding after stapled haemorrhoidectomy. Colorectal Dis 2003; 5(2): 196.
  27. Quah HM, Jayne DG, Eu KW, Seow-Choen F. Bladder and Sexual Dysfunction Following Laparoscopically Assisted and Conventional Open Mesorectal Resection For Cancer. Br J Surg 2002; 89(12): 1551-1556.
  28. Quah HM, Lim THD. Unusual Endolaryngeal Extension of a Large Thyroglossal Duct Cyst. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2002 Mar; 31(2): 238-240.
  1. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
  2. Fellow of the Academy of Medicine of Singapore (College of Surgeons).
  3. Member, Singapore Medical Association.
  4. Member, Society of Colorectal Surgeons, Singapore.
  5. Member, Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia